Dreaming of opening a cafe?

Identified your location?

Secured Funding?

Finalized your business plan?

Don’t wait to get a quote. Get the expertly created list of equipment with prices now!

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LIST OF OUR services for our café clients

Design your Cafe

Now we get into it! Our experts will develop a complete design for your kitchen. Raqtan also manufactures a range of key installations (coldroom, water filtration, fire suppression). Our computer-generated 3D walkthrough will bring your café vision to life and help to finalise your setup.

Customised Barista Station

The least our engineers can do is create for your business is a fully-customised coffee solution. Our R&D team has decades of experience. Using our own factory and beautiful stainless steel construction, our bespoke beverage solution will help your baristas work smart and save your business money. The stainless steel used is NSF certified.

Water Filtration System

Experienced café operators never under-estimate the importance of water filtration. Water from the tap may be fine for private use. But a professional café, with its heavy use of water for both drinking and cleaning, needs a professional filtration solution. Your café’s water management is just one area where professional expertise can make or break your fledgeling business

Spherey for Maintenance

Once your kitchen is installed and your café up and running – well what next? Sooner rather than later, you will want to sort out servicing and general management of your equipment. Use Raqtan’s handy SphereY app to request repairs and book in maintenance visits without fuss.

Project Installation Services

Naturally, a Raqtan Project Manager will personally oversee every detail of installing your beautiful new kitchen. To the new café owner, the sheer volume of equipment can be daunting. But rest assured – our experience with hundreds of successful projects means we can provide a rock-steady hand of reassurance.

Expert Cafe Consultation

Ready to share your café vision? Talk to our experts. We will help you choose the perfect kitchen setup – based on the particulars of your business and venue. There’s a lot of exciting decisions for you to make; and you will be glad to do so with some expert guidance on hand.

Cafe Crew Training

Complete training for your entire crew to ensure the cafe runs like a well oiled machine.

Solution selector
Get an initial Quote now
1. Choose your speciality type

Regular Cafe


Budget range358,000 – 438,000

Speciality Coffee Shop


Budget range543,000 – 665,000

Kiosk Cafe


Budget range141,000 – 174,000

Coffee Truck


Budget range132,000 – 162,000

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Don’t wait to get a quote. See the solutions crafted by our experts.